Monday March 19, 2012
Weaved Landscapes by Hani Hourani

expanded from intricate water colors to a mesh of colors & textures originating from a landscape. An artist's battle between the realistic and imagined integrating calligraphy in the weave of the painting or extracting a scene to fewer elements in an attempt to celebrate the simplicity of the subject and the richness of the surface with unnoticed details at times. The texture and the traces are the heroes of the scene they -at the same time- pay a tribute to the effect of time on the surrounding objects such as old walls, furniture, cars or doors.

In the most recent works I tend to liberate landscapes from its traditional "realistic" setting turning it into a textile optical weave of intersecting threads forming a visual knit that combines reality in horizontal threads and fantasy in vertical threads thus creating one entity just like a piece of textile.

It is a scene of an organic world growing freely and flowing smoothly like the Arabic calligraphy it is a world formed spontaneously far from any visual references perhaps another contemporary visual source is the digital revolution as we witness it today through television or computer screens: unlimited number of pixels forming an image.

My earlier works placed me on the edges of several artistic movements without trying to be classified under any of them to have a bigger margin of freedom. In my most recent works which deals with landscapes I found myself taken by utopia: constructing an imagined world and trying to suggest it as an achievable one.