السبت أيار 12, 2018
The Mom`s Science 2018

The Mom’s Science
An educational program of monthly sessions for moms after birth.

Time : 10:30am - 1:30pm , every first Saturday of every month , starting Saturday 3rd of February 2018 until December 2018.
Location: Four seasons hotel - Amman
Registration: Sajilni ( ticket price: 5 JOD )


Topics are presented by speakers from health institutions , medical companies, and pharmaceutical bodies.

The goal of this program is to educate mothers on topics related to health, nutrition, parenting and motherhood.

Initiative and organization by Birth and Beyond & Rula Qatami Abujaber رولا قطامي ابوجابر and Noor Almasri

#themomsscience #healthymomandbaby #birthandbeyond