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Art is the visual history of Aboriginal culture and it is changing constantly. The art is enabling young aboriginal children, men and women to heal and revitalize their culture. The themes of many paintings historically have to do with their view of their land ,water, the flora and fauna and the activities of care giving, medicine plants, leaves and the gathering of "bush tucker" (food). This exhibition shows art pieces from the ochre works of the Kimberley area, which are distinct and unique from the Tiwi Island's ochre paintings and fabric design as well as works from Arnhem land and the Central desert. Artists on show include Phyllis Thomas, Jock Mosquito, Betty Mbitjana, Mitjili Naparrula, Dennis Nona, Judy Wtason and Rosella Narmok.
Culture & Arts
Omar Bin Khattab Street 1st Circle, Jabal Amman
Tue 07 Oct - Fri 31 Oct 2008
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Contemporary Australian Indigenous Prints and Paintings